Project supported by JCCOld Boys & Girls Association UK

JCCOBGA - UK Projects
1989 – GBP 500.00for the purchase of a photocopying/Roneo machine 1990– GBP 500.00 for consumables etc for above 1992 – GBP 500.00 to assist children affected by war at Jaffna Central College 1994– GBP 500.00 to acquire furniture for the library 1994 – GBP 1,530.00 for major restoration work on Romaine Cooke Hall 1995– GBP 1,500.00 for the appointment of two relief teachers and resources for the library 2000 – Association sets up a Scholarship Scheme for 10 Advanced Level students, 5 in the first year and 5 in the second year 2003– Launching of the School Bus Project 2004 – Provided 67 computers for the college computer laboratory 2004– Provided a Multi- Media Projector for the college use 2004-Faciliated one of our members of the association Mr K Pushkaran to set up an award of Rs 100,000 to the winning team of the “Battle of the North” between Jaffna Central College and St John’s College in memory of his late mother Mrs Saraswathy Kumaravelu. This is an annual award for the winning taem and a fund has been setup under the Trusteeship of Bishop of Jaffna, Diocese of the Church of South India. 2005 – Sponsored the principal of the college late Mr K Rajadurai’s trip to London 2006– Donation of 4 Cardio Fax ECG Recorders to Jaffna Teaching Hospital at a total cost of GBP 1,783.00 from the funds raised through Tsunami Function 2006 – Donation of GBP 900.00 to Ramakrishna Mission in Batticaloa, to buy bicycles, sewing machines, steel cupboards and wooden chairs and tables to be given to those in Batticaloa who have lost their possessions in the Tsunami 2006– Donation of GBP 900.00 to St Annes Church in Silawaththi, Mullaitivu to put new roofs to huts and houses damaged by Tsunami 2006 – Donation of GBP 900.00 to Yoga Swamy Hindu Girls’ Home in Sittandy, Batticaloa for the construction of bath and toilets required as a consequence of taking in girls orphaned by Tsunami 2006-Made a donation of GBP 1000.00 to late Mr K Rajadurai’s family on the First Death Anniversry. This amount was raised after a special appeal to our members for donations after the unfortunate killing of the principal 2008 – Donation of GBP 1,000.00 to Vanni IDP fund through TSSA 2010- Financial support for 26 badly affected IDP children who lost at least one member of their family in the last year's devastating war and are now admitted to Jaffna Central College 2010 – Remitted GBP 2,000.00 to top-up the endowment for the Advanced Level Scholarship Scheme 2010– Gift of cricket material to the college worth £195.00 2010-GBP 300.00 Paid to SIN Project 2011- Facilitated one of our members Dr Rajapillai Ahilan to set up a Full Scholarship to an engineering student who enters the University from the college. This scholarship is to be awarded to the most deserving student who has the best results. A fund of Rs 1.2 million was set up for Dr Velupillai Rajapillai and Mrs Annaledchumy Rajapillai Memorial Scholarship. 2011-Remitted GBP 850.00 to SIN project 2012- Donated GBP £1200 worth of Digital Duplicator Machine. 2012- Remitted £1000.00 to top up the SIN Project. 2012- Remitted £2000- to the Ground & Pavilion Project. 2012-Remitted Rs 200,000 to the Coach and Ground Boy Fund. (Collected by JCC OBA UK Members). 2012-£1560 -Sposored Principal and Mr Mahendranathan to Founders Day Silver Jublee Celebrations on 08th September 2012. 2013- Remitted £700 towards the Hostel Fund. (Proceeds from the sale of Prof Guganesarajah's souvenir). 2013-Mr T Gnanaratnasingham’s another generous contribution. Started supporting a first year Medical student from the college. 2013- Facilitated another magnanimous gesture from Dr Rajapillai Ahilan. He has set up another Full Scholarship for an engineering student in memory of Mr A S Navaratnam. A fund of £5100(Rs 1.0 million was set up for this purpose. 2013- Remitted £400 to SIN Project. 2013- Remitted £3010 to the Ground & Pavilion Project. 2013- Remitted £1540 to the SIN Project. 2013- Remitted £450 to Unveil Founder Rev Lynch’s Statue (Proceeds from sale of Prof Guganesarajah’s souvenir). 2013-Remitted £550 to fund founders Portraits and unveil their statues. (Proceeds from sale of Prof Guganesarajah’s souvenirs). 2013- August- Appointed a coordinator for SIN project and a Librarian for lower school at a cost of Rs 5000 and Rs 3000 per month for one year. 2013-SEPTEMBER 16th- Rev Lynch’s statue was unveiled by Rev Jebanesan-Printed a Souvenir to mark this occation.This project is funded by Proff Guganesarajah. 2014-February-Sponsored Spoken English Program for English Teachers- Mr Alister Bredee and Koh Samui from UK conducted the training-OBA contributed £300. 2014-May-£570 spent on improving the image of Rev Lynch’s statue and the Romaine Cook hall- Funded by Prof Guganesarajah. 2014-June- Spoken English Classes started for Grade 6/7/8—Funded by OBA UK. 2015-Februray-Remitted £500 to the SIN Project and to pay for the English Teacher’s salary. 2015-March-Donated EPSON EB-W28 MULTI MEDIA PROJECTOR to the College. 2015-March-Cash Reward of Rs 3200 each to 8 University students(Approximately £125). 2015-February-Sir SabaArulkumar (£1000) and G.Sriharan, Crawley (£100) donated for the after school Classes. 2015-March-Dr Ahilan has set up another Full Scholarship for a Law Student P.Thusanth with the donation of £2750.